I had a discussion at lunch…
about people's kneejerk puritanical reaction to things that can be considered offensive. We live in such an annoying PC environment (politically correct you geeks), it is becoming unbearable. Ever since the Janet Jackson "incident" a couple of years ago, people get bent out of shape over things that I really believe they have no business getting bent about.
Case in point:
This picture is considered acceptable as wallpaper on my computer:

This is not:

I don't see the logic here at all, and am stunned that someone would take offense to the second picture.
People just need to get over themselves. If you find something such as a movie, television show, or computer wallpaper offensive – Walk away. Do something else. Leave me alone. If I am corrupting my mind let me do it in peace. This is not the savage lands where the missionaries bring christianity and morality to the uneducated masses! You have the 1st Amendment right as an American to share your opinions, and I have the right to ignore it and watch what I want to watch!
There are people who get all wound up over the negative influences presented by our media – smoking, drag racing, killing, etc. Apparently kids today are completely incapable of separting fantasy or fiction from reality. Incidents of teens killing themselves road racing were being blamed on movies such as "The Fast and the Furious"; the teens from the Columbine massacre were supposedly influenced by video games "Doom" and "Quake". C'mon!!! Wake up! I was a teenager in the 80's (No, not the 1880's) – How's this for my influences: The A-Team, Dukes of Hazzard, SWAT, Smokey and the Bandit. There is more violence and reckless driving in that list than most shows or movies out there today. But I never saw anyone blaming killings on someone acting out what they saw on the A-Team, or reckless road racing being blamed on the Dukes. Were we that much smarter than them? I highly doubt it.
So... go forth and watch Porn! You will be unable to control yourself! OK, fine. That's extreme. Watch Honey and be driven to become a hip hop dancer.
If I may...
Picture number two depicts a woman who is definitely ready to have sex. She is already prone on the floor, wardrobe askew, and legs heading for the ceiling.
Either that, or she was changing a lightbulb and fell off the chair and is about to black out.
Either way, you're depicting sex or violence.
Let's be careful about using the Puritans as the model of upright Christian morality. Some of those Puritans were twisted individuals. And just as prone to following the latest trend in their version of pop culture as we are today. Remember Salem?
(Oh, and Rog'? Are you seriously equating the cartoonish and light-hearted "violence" of the "A-Team" to the graphic, photorealistic gore of modern video games?)
Yeah... killing them Doom monsters is very realistic.
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