I love the fall
TV season. Some of the best writers in Hollywood are working in television, and we get the benefit of that in the form too many shows to feasibly watch. For me, Tuesday night is for Lost and Veronica Mars. Sucks they are on against each other, but I am lucky to have a dual tuner.
Obviously, Man is a unique mammal in the animal kingdom. It amazes me that we as a species have become such an advanced scientific civilization while at the same time exhibiting such incredibly stupid behavior. One needs to only hold up today's top news stories: Another US Marine is among 13 killed in an ongoing war, scientists have a new vaccine which can prevent cervical cancer, 2 different celebrity couples are reported to be breaking up while a third couple are expecting a baby, there are DVDs which can store 17.1GB of data, and the world waits with baited breath as a 21 year old pop star tries to redeem herself from a lip-synching fiasco. All of these topics are considered news... reminds me of the great Sesame Street pop hit of my childhood -- "One of these Things is not Like the Others".
In the US alone, we are spending thousands upon thousands of dollars arguing in congress and the courts over things which we have no business arguing over -- gay rights, abortion, assisted suicide, to name a few. Why aren't we spending every last resource at our disposal to make sure our kids are safe, our homeless are taken care of, the weak are protected from the bullies, hard working people have the health care they deserve, and that we can look upon the most powerful and successful goverment the world has ever seen -- one that makes even the incredible accomplishments of the Roman Empire seem trivial -- with pride and trust rather than disdain and worry?
I am proud to live here, and I tell anyone who gripes that if they don't like it go somewhere else. I just wish we (the whole nation) would (or could) just take a couple of steps back and re-examine what really is worth fighting for, which topics are a matter of public concern, and which are best left alone. Stop peering over your neighbor's fence and mow your own damn lawn!
Oh, by the way, Alias and Smallville on tonight... Yeah!
Very well spoken. The only think I can add is: I too and proud to live in America, and if someone says they don't like it, I tell them to fight to make it better. Complaining and then doing nothing is the favorite hobby of too many people nowadays, our politicians included.
Oops! "I to AM proud..."
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