I just watched…
The season premiere of Alias. HOLY COW! Now that's what I call a kick start to a season. So, did they really kill off Sydney's beloved? It surely wouldn't be the first time a death was faked on that show. I think virtually every character except Marshall has "died" at least once. But ya' know? There was a sense of finality to this one... he was after all shot approximately 117 times.
Tomorrow brings with it the release of Serenity. I seriously can't wait until I see it again. Run, don't walk to the nearest Cineplex and get the extra large popcorn… you're gonna' need it.
Damn if the TV networks managed to schedule more shows I wanted to watch at the same time than my current recordability situation allows. I have the ability to record two shows at once and watch a third recorded show, but what to do when there are three shows? Hah! I laugh at such a trivial problem. If I split my cable signal to connect one of my VCRs, I risk weakening the signal too much and all the reception could go to pot. So -- I simply disconnected my Internet access for the one hour I needed to record the third show. I got to watch everything and can go to bed happy.
Speaking of happy, Smallville's season premiere didn't suck either! That will be worth following as well.
As long as I am on the topic of TV, ABC's biggest-hyped new show "Invasion" only gets one more week to pull me in. The first two episodes were marginal at best. Can't put my finger on why -- maybe it's because CBS's "Threshold" is doing the Alien Invasion thing infinitely better, and it has Carla Gugino. Who? Silly, silly people (pic size <400kb).

I am going to go to bed and work on a crossword puzzle before I drift off to sleep.
I have given up on "Invasion." "Threshold" has a concept they can run with for years, plus some cooooool visual effects made all the cooooooler by how few of them are used. "Surface," NBC's invasion show, is Godzilla (hundreds of them???!) updated...and I love Godzilla, so I'm happy.
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