Monday, February 13, 2006


Yeah, Napoleon Dynamite's favorite animal, bred for thier abilities in magic. Well it turns out the Liger is an actual animal. In fact, as far as big cats go, they are the biggest. Check out Hercules. Click on the picture for more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe there is no limit as such to how big this cat could get. I belive it is the male tiger holding the genes that regulate growth, and the female lion that hold the same genes. In a case where a female tiger is mated with a male lion (both of which do not carry the genes to regulate growth)you get a good mixture for a big cat. Hence the big Hurc here no doubt.

February 17, 2006 1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that picture. when did they find out that it is real or did they already know?

February 22, 2006 8:36 PM  
Blogger Roger C. said...

I learned a lot by reading the short article I linked the picture to. They are an "accident" of breeding which can only occur in captivity as Lions and Tigers aren't native to each other in nature...

February 22, 2006 9:28 PM  

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