Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What is up

with all the church burnings in Alabama (not Atlanta... thanks Jeff)? There doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason to it. I really don't get this...

Regardless of your particular religious idealogy, be it Catholic or Protestant, Jewish or Gentile, Muslim or Buddhist or ANY denomination -- the most basic tenets are the same: Love one another and treat others as you want to be treated. What part of these philosophies lends itself to negative criticism, much less the anger and ire needed to deem it necessary to burn their places of worship to the ground?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


February 09, 2006 4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of your bigger religions seem to believe that their followers--and only their followers--are going to heaven while the rest of humanity burns in hell.
BUT, if this is the case, wouldn't the smart thing be to leave your enemies alone so they DO go to hell? If they're already getting the ultimate and eternal punishment that is hell, do you really think that you can hurt them worse?
Leave them be and let God sort them out.

February 09, 2006 4:26 PM  

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