Monday, December 19, 2005

I am continually amazed...

at the human mind. Of course, I used to think the human brain was the most fascinating part of the human body -- then I realzed what was telling me that (Thanks Emo).

I find it interesting what things people latch onto, and how that affects their perceptions about a certain movie, song, smell, etc. For example, I have some major, MAJOR issues with the movie "Full Metal Jacket". First, I loved the basic training scenes -- in my opinion the most realistic I have ever seen -- right up until the end when Pyle loses it (I wont go into details, you never know who is reading and I don't want to add any spoilers). From that point on, the movie lost all credibility for me, and I really hated it. Why? Because that one scene went too far from my ability to suspend my disbelief. I was in basic training (many moons ago), I know how it was, and the ability for a bootcamp private to obtain a full clip of ammo is pretty non-feasible.

I saw King Kong last week and loved it! I mean it is a full blown 3-hour roller coaster, and it is a masterpiece tribute to the original film. But I just had lunch with someone who proceeded to tell me how much he disliked the film because of the behavior (or irratic and unrealistic behavior according to him) of certain animals and the like (again, this is not the site for spoilers). Interestingly, this was enough to drive him to the side of hate whereas I was too busy wrapped up in the story Peter Jackson was telling. Give me your feedback, I am curious.

Only 2 shows left for Garbeau's Xmas. I have had fun, but I gotta say I won't be missing the six performances a week. Looks like my next endeavor in the performing category will be percussion for "They're Playing Our Song" in March, also at Garbeau's.

More later.


Blogger kenny r said...

I think that guy in Jacket was in the Marines and you were in the Army. In the Marines they give BCPs ammo because Marines are bad-asser than the Army. At least that's what they will tell you. Sometimes they even eat ammo for a quick snack.

December 23, 2005 3:06 PM  
Blogger Roger C. said...

You TRYING to pick a fight?

December 29, 2005 1:56 PM  

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