OK, I am not one who bashes SUVs or trucks, I believe they just aren't what I choose to drive. I enjoy my car, and it has served me faithfully for over 7 years. Likewise, I don't have anything against the drivers of said big vehicles (unlike at least one friend who believes that the owners of large trucks and SUVs are a complete waste of space), unless these people are inconsiderate!
This morning I had to run a couple of errands for work, and the last stop on my way back to the office was at a restaurant to pick up the lunch order I had phoned in. I pulled into the parking lot and there were two empty spaces next to each other. I chose the one on the right and centered my car perfectly in the slot, allowing people on either side to get in/out without problems. I run in, grab my food, and when I come out a montrosity of a pickup trick was in the stall to my left... SORT OF! The peabrained dolt who drove the truck apparently got his license from a box of cracker jacks and it was evident his sense of spatial relationships was about as dim as his IQ. It should be noted I did not see the disgusting pile of man-flesh which was driving, so the masculine "he" should be treated as an asexual pronoun -- much like the person himself.
The moron managed to allow himself plenty of room to get out of HIS truck, but the passenger side was .0015 inches from my door. I had to get into my car from the passenger side, a feat which should be noted is rather comical to watch when executed by someone of my size. I must say the more herculean feat was refraining from using my keys to sign my name in the side of his truck.
To those of you who own large vehicles, just remember the vehicle has TWO sides, and be aware of what's going on. Thank you. To the idiot who parked his white Ford pickup at the Elephant Bar on Arden Way in Sacramento around 11:45 PDT today -- You Suck, You should be eviscerated and dropped from the top of a six story building into a vat of hot fat. That is all.
I found this notice you can print copies of and keep in your car, but personally, I think it's just too nice. This one is MUCH better!
I had my camera phone and a digital camera in my car, but I was too mad to think to take a picture, but it looked something like this:

roger...i'm with you all the way. thanks for taking the time to check out my P.A.R.K. cards. for something as simple as a card, it sure helps my rage when i place one of these under their wiper blades.
Take it easy.
LOL, the part about seeing you crawl across the seat is quite humorous!
Reminds me of highschool. For about a month solid, 3 of us would line up after school just to watch our 6'3" friend crawl across the front seat from the passenger side of his 2 door chevy citation because he had "operational issues" with the driver's side door.
I stress that he was 6'3".
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