News from the canine world - September 24
I guess I pissed off the big guy last night. Maybe now he'll learn. So here's my side of the story (in case he loses it and this is my last entry):
The past week or so the big guy has been coming home late and hasn't been walking me very much. Then last night after he got home, all he was able to manage for me was about 15 minutes of sprints in the front yard (me, not him). So I decided to make a point. In hindsight (pun intended - you'll see what I mean) it might not have been my brightest moment. When he was watching TV with his friends, I - wait for it - peed on his bed. Yep, right on the comforter.
He yelled when he found it, and I acted appropriately remorseful. I don't think he poisoned my food this morning, but I can't be sure.
If I post again, you'll know he forgave me. If not - Brutus, I enjoyed playing with you.

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