It's Friday!!!
And a Poker night. I have been reading a book on Poker, now let's see if my comprehension holds up.
I hate that I don't get home before it gets dark now. I still have to take my dog for a walk, and now I get to lug around a flashlight, if for no other reason than to minimize the chance of getting creamed by a car. It's actually very surprising just how few street lamps are on my street. Since I live on the corner, there is one there, but literally there isn't one as far as I can see down the main street.
Next week Assassin's Creed comes out. Yeah, this game is on top of my must buy list! I have been stoked on this one for a couple of years now (a long time coming).
Last week I was asked with very little notice to play drums for a Sunday evening performance of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", on somebody else's kit. Now I have never played the show, but I do know the music. So I took my niece on Saturday and we watched the show, me listening intently on how it was being performed (it was the end of the 9th week of the run, so musically it was very tight). Complete with a lot of breaks and tempo changes, I was feeling sort of unsure so I went back for the regular Sunday matinée and listened again before I took to the throne for my performance. I had about 15 minutes to get used to the kit and ran a couple of the hardest parts with the keyboardist before I was on. I am very pleased to announce I pulled it off! It wasn't my best drumming, but I was solid, and had only one noticeable miscue. I left the theater in a very good mood after being complimented heartily by the cast and crew of the show.
When do you get your xbox360?
PC Baby!!!
How'd poker go? And who's book are you reading? I read the first two volumes of Dan Harrington's series, and found them extremely useful last time I played.
I'm reading Phil Gordon's Little Green Book on Poker. I played OK, but ended up busting out when my pocket Queens were cracked by 10 8, followed by my all in with A 10, lost to A Q.
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