Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Shoppers beware...

So there I was at the local office supply superstore to pick up a few necessities for the company. I was handed the company credit card on the way out the door by my associate, but I was prepared to pay with my own card if they decided to ask for my ID.
So I get what I need and proceed to run the card through the machine. Sure enough there is a notice from the machine and I am asked to hand the card to the cashier who wants the card and my ID. So I pull out my wallet and show her my ID. She looks at the card and my ID and says "OK, thanks." Purchase complete, I simply shake my head as I head to my car.

The credit card is issued to my company and has the equivalent of ACME Widget Sales - Sally Allbright as the name on the card. My driver's license does not have my company affiliation on it, and my name is nowhere NEAR the name on the credit card. If I didn't have to get back to the office I would have called her out on this. As we head into full scale holiday shopping please keep the cashiers on their toes. Make them check your ID correctly and be prepared to report them to their Supervisor if they don't. Consider that I could have had any one of your credit cards and made that purchase. And people wonder how this kind of fraud can happen...


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