I am completely addicted...
to two things: Diet Vanilla Coke and Texas Hold 'Em. And beautiful female faces, OK three things. When things get slow, like this lazy Sunday evening, I often jump online and play Poker. Now, I will never play online for real money – not because I don't have any faith in my abilities, but because if I can think of a way to cheat the table online (which I have), then I know someone else has, because I am not that devious.
I worked on a friend's computer today for 3 hours. Is it too late to rid the world of Window ME? Holy COW that is one POS operating system!
I am in a quandry. One of my oldest and closest friends is completely despondent, and I have tried everything I can think of to help, all without any success whatsoever. It seems the harder I try, the more this person comes to the conclusion that their life is total shit and that it would be better for all involved if I just shoved off and allow them to rot.
The problem is I am not built that way. When I was a kid, my Father was in the Air Force and we moved around every 3 to 4 years, as did the kids I played and went to school with, so I never had friends for long periods of time. Though I learned how to meet people (I consider myself to be a rather amiable fellow), I also learned how valuable a friend is. I am not talking buddies or pals, those are people who you can have fun with, but they don't really have your back. A friend has your back always, no matter what. So to this person I say – 1) You can't push me away because as your friend I got your back... period. 2) If you could push me away, what then? You would lose the one person who doesn't forget you're there. How would that work for you?
I say to anyone out there whether you know me or not – don't forget who has your back. Life is too short to allow that to happen, and those are the same people who are worth celebrating the good things with. To my friends and family, I know who you are and appreciate the simple fact that you allow me into your lives.
This week's beautiful woman is just another testimony that I am addicted to the face. Some guys are breast men, some leg men, some ass men, me – the face!

Hey, Rog...
Your friend sounds like they may be clinically depressed. Have you suggested that they see a doctor? I know this may be easier said than done. You never actually say if you think your friend might be suicidal, but if they are, and you truly are the only person who has their back, you've got quite a responsibility on your shoulders. Hopefully, you can solicit the help of other friends and relatives if such exist. This is a tremendous burden to take on alone. But remember, you can't be held responsible for the actions (or inaction) of others. I wish you luck.
And if you ask me, anything expressed from the bowels of Microsoft is a POS. Did I tell you about my latest toy?
Take a look: http://canora.air-nifty.com/solid_inspiration/imac_g5.jpg
I got your back; you're not alone -Andee
Many years ago, some close friends of mine TOOK me too a doctor when I was suicially depressed. I don't think I would have gone on my own.
Just a thought...
Thanks for the input guys. My friend isn't quite at that level, and there are quite a few extenuating circumstances, but it is a challenge just the same.
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