This week
I spent trying to get my health back. I am still coughing a little, and my speaking voice is back to normal. I still don't have my singing voice however (and some people -- Stuart -- thinks that's a good thing), and that sucks for me. Last night I was in my car on the way to the theater and I was listening to the soundtrack for an upcoming show I will be playing, and there are all these great songs I love singing along with. But everytime I open my mouth all that comes out is a croak. SIGH...
In other news...
I believe in the "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" credo of the United States. We are fortunate and should help others. But I do not in any way support any kind of aid for illegal aliens. I am not uncaring and unsympathetic, but all a bill like that does is basically reward someone for breaking the law and living here illegally. That's not right.
Katherine McPhee is one seriously gorgeous woman who just so happens to also sing like an angel. She is still in the running for this season's American Idol. She gets my vote!!

not bad
here ya go, I was trying to find this one.
I hope you're prepared to pay $4 for a tomato.
Because that's how much it would cost if farmers hired American citizens only, paid minimum wage, provided healthcare, sick leave, vacation time and other benefits.
Illegal immigration is a win-win situation. Americans get goods at a low cost, and Mexicans can have some money so their kids don't starve. How is this a problem?
Except for the fact that imigrants are dying in the desert in an attempt to make a living...
"Except for the fact that imigrants are dying in the desert in an attempt to make a living..."
I call this balance. You're right though, it is a nec. evil.
Read what else I have to say on the subject.
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