Saturday, June 17, 2006


It's 3am... insomnia sets in. I am supposed to have a nice, easy day tomorrow...err today. I am going to the Crocker Art Museum (I believe for the first time in my life) to check out a MC Escher exhibit. I am really looking forward to it, but will not be worth anything if I can't get any sleep.

I am also fighting a cold... so far it's a tie. It hasn't been able to take over and I haven't been able to kick it. I am sure fatigue will help my viral foe!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeNiro...Pacino...mere amateurs.

But Neil Swift ROCKS!!!

June 18, 2006 2:46 PM  
Blogger jedesign said...

You'll have to report how the Escher exhibit is. Hubby and I want to check it out as well.

As far as the cold goes, try my old standby remedy: NyQuil at night, DayQuil by day, and as much chicken soup as you can stand.

By the way, how are things at your new place?

June 18, 2006 3:55 PM  

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