I am a bad blogger...
A whole week without a post? What the hell's wrong with me?! Sorry faithful readers. Let's get caught up...
Last Friday was the first opportunity I have had in a long time to play Poker. "Charlie 'Almost' Brown" Clark was thriving as play started. With 10 players at the table, I just wasn't getting any cards. At one point there were three misdeals in a row by the same person (not all alcohol induced) and during that the sum of all the cards I had been dealt wouldn't equal an Ace. The couple of hands I went in on didn't pan out and I was down (chip-wise) early. About 2 hours in, I got dealt the Ace of spades and the Jack of clubs. I come in for a raise (textbook), and as the bet goes around two other people raise the bet. When it gets back to me I call, then as it goes around the bet is raised... AGAIN! Now a little irked (my jack had me a little nervous) I call when the bet comes around only to have the bet RAISED AGAIN!!!! CRAP!!!! I call again, which commits about half of my chips to the pot. Bet goes around and is... guess what... RAISED!!! So now I am fiscally committed to the pot so I call "all in". Before you know it there are 5 people playing, 4 all in with 3 side pots. I am pissed, and start reaching for the backup $20 for a rebuy. But the flop comes 3 spades, one the Jack. So now I have the top pair with an Ace kicker and a Nut flush draw. The next card is a Spade and I win the hand giving me a dominant chip position the rest of the night... which I needed, because "Almost" here managed to only come in 3rd, my friend Matt's Dad being the bane of my existence at the poker table. It seemed everytime I went in, he did and had better cards than me. However I walked away with money so I can't complain. I had a lot of fun.
Last weekend was the only break I had between shows at Garbeau's so Saturday night I made good on a promise and went to see Broadway at Sierra, a musical revue at Sierra College in Rocklin. I took my niece Amanda and it was incredible! One of the most enjoyable theater experiences I have had in a long time. There are only 4 shows left (tonight at 7:30pm, tomorrow at 2pm and 7:30, Sunday at 2pm) so I HIGHLY recommend those who are able go see it. It is worth it. I will be attending tomorow's matinee. All Roger Stalkers welcome.
This week wasn't entirely memorable, other than the fact the earth didn't explode. Work has left me with a general sense of irritation (the facts of which I won't go into here as this isn't the right venue -- for now), so I pretty much ghost walked thru the week. Top that off with the fact I have to work tomorrow and I am just thrilled!
A little over a week from now I get older, so that of course means it's time for self-reflection -- taking stock of my life and where I am at versus where I should be, etc. There are things I wish were different, so I have to grade my performance right now at a "B-". Slightly above average, but lots of room for improvement. I will say that if certain aspects of my life prosper with the promise they currently hold, next year's grade could be significantly higher. I raise my glass of Diet Toxic Sludge -- "Here's to hoping!"
The temperature outside is currently 107°... yeah... now that's Africa hot! To my mother I want assure her I am drinking lots of water (yes water. Well, along with my Diet Toxic Sludge®).
I got a brainstorm the other night, and when I have a little more time my future posts are going to have an added touch -- so stay tuned for the surprise!
Here is a great picture of Krista Allen. Some of you might remember her as one of the super hot lesbians in "Anger Management", her series of Emmanuelle in Space, or dozens of other films. Can one of my linguist friends translate the text? Yes, there is text... to the right of her... no, the right. OK, close your eyes, now shift them to the right of her and open. YES!!! That text!

so, "B-", huh? not sure what "certain prospects" you're referring to, but i raise my glass of pepsi to you - here's to hoping.
and re: the brainstorm...give us a hint...
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