It's Friday...
Gotta say, this has been a pretty up and down week.
Work threw a couple of grenades my way, and for the most part I managed to duck and cover appropriately. I did get the company's website up and running to the satisfaction of the Sales Manager ( I got a pay raise and a decrease all in the same day (I won't go into detail on that one here). And I continue to receive high performance reviews from the students on the quality of my instruction.
I lost my wallet on Wednesday. Actually I think I lost it Tuesday afternoon. So after spending all morning Wednesday turning my apartment inside out (and actually cleaning up a lot of things to make sure it wasn't hiding), I got to go to the DMV. The upside? I was out of there in less than 45 minutes -- without an appointment!!!!!! How does that happen?
I did find time to spend an evening with my lady friend, and dispelled any notions that she would destroy me in Scrabble. I got a great steak dinner out of the trip! Gotta' love that! Oh, by the way - stay away from the frozen Cinnabon pastries if you have any delusion about any kind of facsimile of the real thing. Though somewhat tasty, they don't compare even 1/200th to the divinity that is a fresh Cinnabon.
Here's hoping this weekend provides the respite I need to keep from knocking over my brother's gun safe and "venting."
oh, don't even go there with the scrabble thing, sweet baboo (your new nickname, btw)...although i enjoyed your company immensely, don't start thinking you're ALL THAT when it comes to scrabble....
p.s. you haven't yet prostrated yourself before me...i'm waiting, my dearest darling...
You might want to bring a blanket and a comfy chair, cuz' it will be a while before I concede my point and bow, oh killer of Maxims. I am starting to hope you don't have access to a live shark (movie reference there)...
mark my words my darling - you will bow before me...oh yes, you will...
What the Hell is going on around here???
L'amour, mon ami, l'amour!
Get your own damn guns and leave your brother's out of this.
And the word is not "Vent," but rather "Ventilate" (as in "to punch holes into something to let air in").
WARNING TO GIRLFRIEND: he fantasizes about going postal.
When the next scrabble game comes along, LET THE WOOKIE WIN. The sweet satisfaction of a stinging triple word score fades quickly when HIS next word is "ventilate."
Deeds, not words.
THIS is what your blog is supposed to be: friends tossing fripperies back and forth about your actual current life.
Leave the national and global commentary to the people with a national and global audience. (Like the editors of Maxim.)
Know YOUR audience.
Stick to squabbling over scrabble and threatening to shoot up the place. That's real life.
Also, be careful what photos you post. Many of them are actually copyrighted and legal action can follow if they're used without permission.
Don't let THE MAN ruin your whole day over a Kate Beckinsale pic. (Hot hot hot though she may be.)
Good luck with my safe.... I am waiting....
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