This just in from the Stupid Criminals Department...
Sadly to say, this one is from my hometown of Sacramento. So, a 17 year old kid was arrested Friday (8/25/06) for trying to pass off counterfeit currency at the California State Fair. Now that in itself isn't the stupid part. Apparently the suspect purchased an item from a Fair vendor and paid with counterfeit, and left in a hasty manner. The vendor inspected the bill closer and realized the fraud and contacted authorities. Here's the stupid part...
The vendor remembered the suspect (and his friends) was carrying a photograph taken from one of the other booths. So authorities went to the photo kiosk and found the picture. In the friends are posing with the suspect holding wads of cash in his hand! I swear the only thing dumber would've been to pose with the victim!
Hmm... 17... old enough to have graduated high school. Which means he would have had to have passed the new California High School Exit Exam. Right... the one where you only have to demonstrate an eighth grade mathematics aptitude... I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
On a positive note - there are still plenty of reasons to stay in California:

It appears you're showing that picture as on of the reasons for staying in CA, but that girl is not from the US.
She looks a little bit like Charisma Carpenter, which reminds me, she's in a show coming to abcfamily channel. It can't be good. Terry Bradshaw is in it.
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