Friday, November 03, 2006

It has been said

that this time of the year is really depressing for people, and the closer to the holidays it gets, the the worse it becomes. I have been pretty lucky and have for the most part not seen that side of the holiday spirit. For me, the most depressing thing was going thru the holidays without being in a relationship - again.

So this year it is with a certain amount of dismay I see not 1 but 3 people I care about suffering from depression, and it is affecting their lives in different ways. Odd that (at least for the present) I am in a relationship and looking forward to what that means for the holidays. To one and all of my faithful readers remember as long as you know me you don't have to face anything alone. Give me a call and we can get a beer (or diet coke) and talk. I'm only a phone call away.

To those of you who DON'T have my phone number, stop trying to pass yourself off as my friend, and for the last time, I DO NOT have $20 you can borrow.

My performing break is coming to its end. I sent some of my drum equipment off to be repaired and the customer service technician says I am going to be pleasantly surprised. So I am now getting that anxious feeling I had when I first ordered my drums and had to wait for them to arrive. I already have a fundraiser I have been asked to play for on the 12th. Hopeflly I will have a couple of days to pound the skins before that date - get my "chops" back, so to speak.

Happy Friday everyone. For those that didn't figuire it out, the picture of me on Halloween does link to a much larger pic. I wasn't just doing my Rocky the Raccoon impression.


Blogger jedesign said...

Sorry to hear about the depression of your friends/family. But they are lucky to have someone like you to lean on.

But while lending them support, be sure you take of yourself as well. This kind of caretaking can be very draining for the one doing the supporting.

I'm very happy for you that you have someone special with whom you can share the holidays. I feel very fortunate that I've been as lucky. It is a treasure, without a doubt.

November 06, 2006 11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any man who refers to himself as "Mister Incredible" should expect to catch a certain amount of grief from his friends. And from his family. Also from total strangers.
Where did you go in that get-up and what was the reaction from Your Public (as you showbiz folks are fond of refering to the rest of us)?

November 07, 2006 6:25 PM  
Blogger Roger C. said...

Good reaction all day long... I even did a stroll thru the mall (looking for red sweatpants at the last minute).

November 07, 2006 7:15 PM  
Blogger Nevermore said...

and speaking of having a girlfriend for the holidays...i'm looking forward to spending veterans day with ya ;-) how are the drums? did you and ken give them a good pounding..?

November 08, 2006 1:19 AM  

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