2006 is in the books...
and it was year that brought the following changes to my life: I got a new job, moved to a new place, had a good romance (then lost it), was diagnosed with sleep apnea -- resulting in many, many sleepless nights -- then received a machine to counteract it, and I played Santa Claus for the first (and hopefully not the last) time. My exercise regime was non-existent due to the apnea, my car needs a pretty serious tune-up, my hairline laughs at the concept of a comb, and I still haven't won the lottery. But hey, at least I spent New Year's Eve alone watching National Lampoon's Vacation.
Saddam Hussein is dead. I applaud the swift turnaround of the execution, a mere four days after losing his appeal (also swiftly handled). Though I believe he is a "patsy" with regard to the current war on terror (face it, the Bush administration needed one to detract attention away from the fact the military wasn't able to capture Osama Bin Laden, a seven footer lugging around a dialysis machine, he fully deserved what he got.
Would that ALL capital punishment sentences be that fast! I continue to read articles and hear/see newsclips about person(s) getting either the death penalty or life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. This sucks (see my unabashed position on this)!
Casino Royale is one of the best James Bond films in years. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it.
Damn... I have writer's block. More to come later...
OH... wait a minute!
Out of respect for my (ex-)girlfriend, I refrained from posting babe pics on my blog (mostly). To start 2007, I present Hannah Hilton, a Penthouse Pet that is nothing short of breathtaking.

Roger! I'm sorry I missed your call earlier today, I was at work. It was so nice to get a message from you though. I just moved into a new place and am unpacking, but let me know what your schedule is like so we can plan a movie date soon! I miss you! Michelle
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