Mass Hysteria!
OK... check this out:

This is just wrong on several levels --
- Dudes, face it, in 3 months there will be PS3s as far as the eye can see. Does one really need one now that badly?
- The current bid is almost $8,000 with 5 days left!!! Hasn't anyone learned yet the right way to bid on EBay? Wait to the last minute!
- Shipping cost of $999? Right!
- The part I circled -- There are 27 people who actually processed this and said "Hell YEAH! What a deal!"
- These 27 people can't think of ANYTHING better that can be done with about $10K of expendable income?
- The standard retail price of the PS3 (60GB) is $599, and that of the Wii is $250. So, The standard retail price of all the above is 9x$599 + 1x$499 +5x$250 = $7140 ($7693.35 with CA sales tax).
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