Friday, January 12, 2007

Giving us a bad rap...

OK, by definition I fall into the category of a "geek". I am a computer lover who enjoys computer games; I enjoy playing role playing games a'la Dungeons & Dungeons; I have both used and laughed at the concept of TCP/IP as a punchline of a joke (Note: anyone who gets that qualifies as a geek as well); I enjoy sitting around with friends and playing board games for hours on end; and I can quote vast passages of Monty Python. All of these quirks or qualities paint the stereotypical picture of one who carries a pocket protector and memorizes 37 digits of Pi.

I won't go into the arguments which demonstrate (and most people who know me generally agree) I am not a "geek", at least in my personal and professional opinion. Yeah yeah yeah -- I know I just opened the barn door to receive 612 comments contradicting me for humorous purposes...

But all this is just the background for this post -- I have a friend who recently purchased both an XBox 360 and a Playstation 3. He was doing some online research about which console game is superior and came across this forum. This is where the true geeks live, and it guys like this which perpetuate the notion that these guys will never have a girlfriend or understand very few people get the TCP/IP reference. What really struck me as I read this post is how it generates into a full-blown argument. The vehemence and anger are almost laughable -- over the virtues of one game over another. Ridiculous.

Speaking of games, why do board (and card) gamers get such a bad rap? Playing board games such as Risk (or many of the newer great games such as Chrononauts) is generally considered "geekish", yet it's NOT geekish to spend $10,000 to play in a televised Poker tournament? Huh?

Keeping the segues alive, tonight is a Poker night for me... the first time in a while. "Almost" Clark is gonna take home the prize! OK, at least I am gonna' try. I will let you faithful readers know the outcome.

Another sentencing yesterday -- life imprisonment without the possiblity of parole for Mario Garcia for the conviction of the murder of Christie Wilson. Great, another person we just provided room and board for the next 59 years. But hey, we don't need that money for anything else...


Blogger Drew said...

"Speaking of games, why do board (and card) gamers get such a bad rap? Playing board games such as Risk (or many of the newer great games such as Chrononauts) is generally considered "geekish", yet it's NOT geekish to spend $10,000 to play in a televised Poker tournament? Huh?"

But playing at a $20 buy game with buddies isn't geekish either.

As far as the consoles go I will simply say this. The hardcore, Sony fanboys are very narrowminded (that I have found compared to other gamers). You can find many reviews/sites/articles (many written by the very devs that develop games for consoles) that will tell you, yes, the PS3 is a nice piece of hardware (even though it has a weaker GPU) but games/devs will likely never fully take advantage of the hardware.

There, I just settled the 360/PS3 argument for you.

Shit! This makes me a geek doesn't it. :(

I will trump your TCP/IP "joke" with my shirt that says "Syn" on the front and "Ack" on the back.

January 12, 2007 5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that I don't get either joke greatly reassures and comforts me.

January 19, 2007 5:31 PM  

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