Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sorry guys...

I haven't been paying as much attention to my blog as I would've liked the past couple of weeks. Honestly though, I haven't been that inspired either positively or negatively to write anything. What sucks is I want to write. I always enjoy turning the clever phrase or eloquently stating my position, and I enjoy even more any debates I can spark -- granted they don't go against my own untenable beliefs.

So keep reading... something new will pop up --


Blogger jedesign said...

Maybe you just need a spark to get that fire going:

Briney spears was most recently awarded the title of...

A) Best hair.

B) Best PR stunt.

C) Mother of the year.

D) The only person able to make K-Fed look good by comparison.

February 27, 2007 6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With "Heroes" rolling along, the Oscars just handed out and "Lost" as addicting as ever, how can you not have anything to say?
AND Britney...
Dear Britney...
Dear, sweet, out of her f**king mind Britney...
Dear, sweet, Lindsay-Lohan-looking-like-Rory-Gilmore-by-comparison Britney...
Not two good, clean, sober brain cells to rub together Britney...
Giving trailer trash someone to actually look down on Britney...
If you got drunk and/or high and shaved off your own hair, in public, you could be a redneck Britney...
Was red-hot, now 'fraid-not Britney...

And you have nothing to write about...

February 27, 2007 4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here, let me get you started...

Al Gore and a polar bear in a hawaiian shirt walk into a bar.

Okay. Your turn.

February 27, 2007 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! When you run dry, you don't fool around.

Okay, try this: List your five favorite foods, beverages, albums/CDs, movies, movie quotes, subspecies of wombat, places to get a burger in Sacramento, reasons why you're still in Sacramento, musicals you want to be in but have not as of yet...

Are you getting the message? These may sound like assignments from a high school English class, but there's a reason why those assignments are handed out: because they're things you can write about without needing a Muse to kick you in the keester.

March 05, 2007 3:01 PM  
Blogger jedesign said...

"...reasons why you're still in Sacramento..."?

Where did that one come from? We have to defend where we live now? Or do you just have some sort of disdain for the Sacramento region that needs further explaining?

Do tell.

March 06, 2007 8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my home town. I can give you a lot of reasons why I returned to Milwaukee after my stint in the Army and why I remain here to this day. Roger has adopted Sack-o-tomatoes as his home town. I'm sure he can brag on his town as much as I or anyone else can brag on ours.
And when you consider that Rog' lived in Hawaii, his love for his hometown must be pretty intense.

March 08, 2007 3:02 PM  

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