Don't forget about the 9/10ths...
If I were to ask you what the current price of gas is, you might glance out your office window to the gas station across the street or remember what you saw as you drove into work - $97.18. But everyone forgets the 9/10th. So that means you are paying an extra ¢10 to ¢15 per fill up. Not a big deal, but think about how many cars that is in a day? Damn oil company is making even MORE money than even we thought they were...
Random thought - if the 10th commandment is "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife", then when God impregnated Mary wasn't he violating this law? Or, if Mary is his "daughter" in the religious sense, wouldn't that be incest? And Mary, isn't she guilty of Adultery? Hmmmm....
In case any of my faithful readers haven't been checking out MySpace, I bought myself a new digital camera as my Christmas Present. A Nikon D50, it truly is awesome! I have been a photo taking junkie since then. Here are a couple of my favorite shots:

On this one I performed some Photoshop magic:

I hope you like them.
If I might suggest two references that will take your photography to the next level:
"The Digital Photography Book" and the "The Digital Photography Book, Vol. 2". Both are by Scott Kelby. They're both fairly cheap - I think each is less than $20 - and they show how to really use your camera to achieve awesome shots.
That said, the flower picture is great.
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