Friday, April 07, 2006

More on the illegal immigrants...

Oddly enough, my brother and I both took on these issues this week, he referring his readers here while I simply stated my serious frustration at the practice. A comment was made about the cost savings we get by using illegal immigrants to harvest our crops. This argument doesn't hold water. We need to enforce the laws we have and NOT allow amnesty for those who have managed to buck the system. Here is another instance where my tax dollars are being used to take care of someone who hasn't earned or deserve that right.

One of the comments tagged on my previous post was "Americans get goods at a low cost, and Mexicans can have some money so their kids don't starve. How is this a problem?" Well...

This essay says a whole lot. In summary, it's not just about farm labor -- it's about health care, insurance (auto for one), strain on public assistance and law enforcement, and population management.

Here is another report which explains how hiring illegal workers hurts the working conditions of legal workers.

I can continue to expound on this for the next several hours and pages. The fact is this is not a racial issue, this is a fiscal and social issue. Like I said before, you are welcome here as long as you are here legally. It is important that the shelter of protection our government provides is capable of covering everybody, and that cannot be done effectively as long as the number of people behind the shield is not adequately accounted for due to those who just felt like dropping in.


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