Thursday, April 27, 2006


I am not sure how to approach this without sounding racist, which I am not. "Nuestro Himno," a Spanish Language version of the American National Anthem will be released on Friday. I am not a fan of this idea at all.

I understand that America is the great "melting pot", made up from the "ragged refuse" from all over the world, and can even get behind that. But the moment you make a pledge to live here and be one of its citizens, you should be the one to adapt to your new home. That means speaking American. I really believe this. If I go another country, it is my responsibility to be able to communicate with the locals, or its my own fault every time they bring me a porcupine when I order breakfast.

I don't believe this is a racial issue, but a social one. How can you expect to cope if you can't communicate? Taking the Star Spangled Banner and releasing it in Spanish as "an ode to the millions of immigrants seeking a better life" just doesn't work for me.

As always, if your comments and criticisms are contributory, I welcome them.


Blogger elaine x said...

... i don't know about a spanish version of the 'star spangled banner' ... but if they want to do it in spanish, cool, i guess. i more have a problem with the 'national anthem' as such it is a war-mongering anthem ... and how it can be ode to any 'life', i do not know.

now, if they wanted to do 'america the beautiful' in spanish, whoohoo! after all, "america" would be inclusive of well, the entire western hemisphere ... wouldn't that be nice ... eliminate all the arbitrary nation-state boundaries and just be the people and the earth as it originally was and perhaps intended to become once again ... this time thanks to globalization ...
nation-states and national anthems are soon to be obsolete things of the past, thankfully (i think).
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape'

April 27, 2006 4:54 PM  
Blogger ChargeOfQuarters said...

It is a slap in the face of Francis Scott Key, and an insult to all Americans.


April 28, 2006 2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Francis Scott Key were alive today...he'd be clawing at the inside of his coffin.
Some advice: Don't go to any country that serves porcupine for breakfast. Civilized countries serve it for dinner goddamit!

April 28, 2006 3:09 PM  
Blogger jedesign said...

I bellieve you can have it both ways:

If someone wants to rewrite the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner" in Spanish, they have every right to do so, since it is in the public domain and not protected by copyright.

And, if a group or community wants to adopt that new version as their own theme, ode, or anthem, I say, "More power to you. Go for it."

In fact, if by translating the anthem it helps promote American values to other cultures, how is that a bad thing?

But, our government should in no way endorse, recognize or make official in any way this new rendition. Our country has only one National Anthem and it is sung in Englilsh.

But at the same time (and watch, someone's gonna try it), we should not attempt to pass a law prohibiting the translation of the anthem or the singing it in a foreign language. Just as we shouldn't have a law banning the burning of the flag.

Free speech is the cornerstone of our American liberty. Without it, we might as well be Germany or France.

April 28, 2006 4:33 PM  
Blogger Roger C. said...

OK John... well said.I guess I can be a little tolerant.

April 28, 2006 5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, i agree that all immigrants have a responsibility to assimilate into the culture...if i go to mexico, or sweden, or india, i don't expect them to flip their world upside down to cater to me. although i do appreciate it when some signs are posted in english, i don't expect it. --->and i should be expected to learn the native language, and respect the customs - we agree in spades on that one.

however, when a large enough community of people settle into one place, the social landscape inevitably goes through changes, and there should be some accomodations for that. remember, our american "founding forefathers" weren't the original inhabitants of this country...they didn't exactly assimilate,either; they crushed the natives, planted the flags, and took the trouble to draw up the paperwork. none of our national songs are sung in native american..(or mexican indian, in the case of california...)

being the "melting pot" works well for all sides - the immigrants (hopefully) get more opportunities and better lives from working and living here, and it brings more flavor to the community as a whole...i know people who have grown up in cities where everyone was the same (my ex's family is from a small town in germany) - and when they came here and got a taste of real diversity (which i admit i had pretty much taken for granted all my life), they were almost ecstatic.

i think that singing the star-spangled banner is their expression of love for this country. yes, people should learn english, but if they want to sing anything, (yes,even the national anthem, although i don't imagine that ever happening at a baseball game - imagine the uproar on THAT one), remember, they're doing it out of love and appreciation for all the benefits of living here. none of us have a choice where we're born - i have sometimes wondered what my life would be like if my mom hadn't settled here before i was born - (of course, she wouldn't have met my father and i wouldn't be here, but you know what i mean, so work with me on this one)... if we're lucky, we get born into a great country with lots of opportunities. unfortunately, that's not an option for the masses of this world - and who can blame anyone for craving a better life? and for taking the opportunity to get one, when the chance presents itself? wouldn't we all do the same, in their place? and... didn't our immediate ancestors do that, for themselves and for us?

really, (and i mean this in a good-natured ranting way, roger, not disrespectfully) compared to all the -real - problems in the world, problems where people's live are in actual danger on a daily basis, i don't see why there has been such uproar in the news on this one... don't get me wrong, i think it's a great talking point, and i'm glad you raised it, but mainly for the side-issues that arise from it, not from the actual story, you know what i mean?

May 06, 2006 5:00 PM  
Blogger Roger C. said...

OK, you and I do agree on most of this. I can even get behind the singing the Anthem out of love for the country (but still not "sold" on the idea).

I have never said I have a problem with immigrants coming here for a better life. That is one of the founding principles of our nation and I stand behind it. My problem is with people who come here illegally. This puts our government in the position of not being able to adequately allocate the resources necessary to accomodate them - to include medical, insurance, police, fire, etc... THAT is my concern.

May 06, 2006 7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, you make a good point - the drain on our resources is substantial. however, the border states also depend mighty heavily on their labor; they're a critical component of the economy...bit of a catch-22, i think...

May 08, 2006 9:53 PM  

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