A day in review...
Overall, Saturday was a great day for me! Even though I was fighting allergies, the company was fantastic, and we had a lot of fun. The MC Escher exhibit left a little to be desired, as it didn't have a lot of his famous works, but there was definitely enough to see just what an amazing artist he was. Since the Escher exhibit only filled one room, we toured the rest of the Crocker, and the 2nd floor is where their "modern" art was. I gotta say, most of it left me wondering who let the 4 year-olds near the paint.

Then you turn a corner and I was presented with this:

At 9.5' tall and close to 10' wide it is truly breathtaking. Click on the picture to get a better look (there is a zoom tool -- zoom way in). This one piece made the whole trip worth it for me. I studied it for a good 10 minutes. For more on this piece, READ THIS.
Thanks Ygraine for the links.
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