Thursday, July 27, 2006

A post so good...

It is worthy of a full repeat! From my brother over at his blog. I am curious -- can any of you tell we are related? This is from July 21, 2006:

Hey A$$HOLE!

********CAUTION:The following will contain some colorful language, to say the least.*********

You have been warned.

To the driver of the Redfire 2005 Mustang, CA License Plate Number 5LPC822:

On every car I have ever driven, from California to Texas to Europe and even Saudi Arabia, there is a lever on the left hand side of the steering wheel. It is used to indicate to other drivers that you intend to change lanes. To indicate you want to turn left, you pull down on the lever and a set of lights will flash in the front and rear left side. To indicate right, you push slightly up and the same lights on the right side will flash. These are called, coincidentally, "Blinkers". Now, some automobiles will have these lights on the ends of their side-view mirrors. Pretty cool.

I am pretty sure that, even in the admittedly beautiful piece of machinery that you own, there is one.

Even in the advanced technological age we live in, there is not a tool out there THAT CAN FUCKING TELL ME TELEPATHICALLY YOU WANT TO CHANGE LANES. YOU HAVE TO MOVE YOUR HAND TO THAT SMALL LEVER AND LET ME KNOW.

While we are at it, cheesedick, if you do desire to change lanes, at least give me some room to adjust instead of come within 2 feet of my truck while moving at 65 Miles per Hour.

So, to recap, assface, these are the steps:

1. Look over the shoulder of the lane in which you want to enter. That means turn your scrawny neck around and make sure you have enough room..

2. Use the lever and push or pull in the direction you want to go.

3. Safely make your lane change.

I have your car and plate memorized. I saw you yell at me through your window, acting indignant as if you did nothing wrong and then get bent out of shape when I flashed my lights at you. If you drive in a safe manner, people wouldn't have to let you know you almost hit them.

Happy trails, asshole.

P.S. -- Remember asshole, I didn't write this so don't be coming after me. I just happen to agree with my brother... you are a cheesedick.


Blogger ChargeOfQuarters said...

Thank you; I will be here all night, and be sure to tip your server.

Thanks, Bud!!

July 27, 2006 7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! This guy must have tons of relatives who also think that their pinky finger will break if they try to use the turn signal... May he and all his inconsiderate relatives wake up one morning with 4 flat tires to keep them off the roads!

July 30, 2006 6:53 PM  

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