This week's mystery...
The rationale that caused Jerry Jones to sign Terrel Owens. We are still in pre-season and the colossal moron has already been fined close to $10K for missing practice and team meetings!
Having managing to embarass himself and three former teams he was associated with (including a ridiculous touchdown celebration midfield in Texas stadium), what possible logic could be going thru the minds of Dallas' management? His behavior was so corruptible to his last team they benched him for half a season! The only upside of this is that next to the 49ers, the team I hate the most is the Dallas Cowboys, so I am not losing any sleep over this.
"T.O" is a perfect example of everything that is bad in professional athletes. He is a man (in physical terms only) who feels his abilities are so superlative the rules of common sense and decency do not apply to him. And until the last year and a half, when he was benched by both Tampa Bay and Philadelphia, we as a society have put up with it.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the hell out of sports, and those who excel at it mostly deserve a piece of the gigantic pie which is the money made by team and stadium owners. What I don't agree with is having to escalate ticket prices under the auspices of being able to pay the gigantic salaries of the players. In any other business, this fiscal logic wouldn't fly. Consider this:
I own a company which makes widgets, a product very popular with consumers. The product is so popular I decide to offer profit sharing to reward my employees for their hard work. After paying out this money, I realize my personal bottom line is now suffering so I raise the price of the widget to cover my loss. Then, my employees, some of which are very talented and specialized, see the increase in price and demand more money. My solution as the owner is to cave to these demands and cover the cost by... raising the price of the widget. Thus a vicious circle is perpetuated. How long would you as a consumer continue to buy the widget? Apparently, you don't seem to care! You want your widget! You need your widget! You have a widget tattooed to your forehead and are completely prepared to call in sick if necessary in order to enjoy your widget!!!!
Religion vs. sports... hmmm... Nah, I find no basis for comparison based on fanaticism.
Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
#1: In what other business (besides professional sports) can one person make 10-50 TIMES more money than another person doing the same job? How is this fair?
#2: Through the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs, athletes cheat at their games. People know many of the players who are cheating in this manner. Are they fired? Are they arrested? (Remember, possession of these drugs is illegal!) Are they thrown in jail, as you or I would be if we were caught with the same drugs? Are their accomplishments on the field stricken from the record books? Do sports writers, who always glorify THE GAME and its history, demand that these players be kicked out of the game, or their records cancelled or their massive salaries returned?
The answer to all of these questions is the same: NO.
#3. Do fans have the cajones to stand up and MAKE the sports organizations fix these problems? No.
The only thing major league sports understand is money. Your money. My money. OUR MONEY.
If you want to see a change, don't go to the games. Don't buy the merchandise. Don't watch the games on TV or listen to them on the radio. A total boycott is the only weapon fans have.
And they will NEVER use it.
Our injuries are self-inflicted.
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