Meet my new partner in crime...
This is Pixie, "Pix" for short. I didn't name her, but I like the irony of it. She is a 3 year old Australian Cattle Dog mix.

Getting adopted makes for a hard day, as you can see. I love she took straight to her new bed. I will update with more lively pictures of her adventures soon. I'm off to bed too. Here's to hoping she doesn't decide to leave a present for me around the place.

She's adorable Rog. Thanks again for the movie Saturday morning, and I'm sorry you didn't get to stay to enjoy it, but giving the pup a chance at a better life is well worth the sacrifice I would think. Make sure to take her for a walk everyday. That is something I neglect with Roy, and really need to do better. I imagine she has a lot of energy after she gets adjusted to her new home.
Take care, and swing by my blog when you get a chance. We all have blogs on LiveJournal mine is at:
Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? Pixie is! Yes she is! Yes she is!
Babying dogs is one of the great joys in life. They're smart enough to know that they're being babied and they genuinely seem to appreciate the effort.
You'll need to let us know where you found Pixie and how you came oto adopt her. As a "cattle dog," I'm guessing she isn't small. (I'm trying to get the 'irony' in her name.) Perhaps a shot of the two of you by a mirror so we can get a sense of scale...?
You want exercise, Rog'? You might as well have adopted a greyhound. She's designed to run all day...and she'll need a LOT of go-time. As do you. You might be just who you each need the most.
If by "present" you mean "hug".
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