Friday, July 20, 2007

The French have now lost the right to call us "Stupid Americans"...

Don't worry, it's subtitled.

The Majority of French People Are Dumb - Watch more free videos

Poll your kids with this and see how many get it right. Let me know what you come up with.


Blogger Rob said...

While this is both funny and sad, I think it's worth mentioning that America needs to be careful if we're going to start judging people based on performance in a game show. Remember, no one has yet managed to prove that they are smarter than a 5th grader, and if you watch that show at all, you know that missing really simple questions like this isn't unique to the French.

As for the audience getting it wrong ... well, I always thought that if I was in the audience for Millionaire and someone had to poll the audience for a really basic question, I would be sure to answer it wrong. It's possible that a whole lot of French folks said, "this guy is too dumb to continue" and gave the wrong answer on purpose.

July 20, 2007 4:23 PM  

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