Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Imagine if he asked for $1.00

From the Associated Press:

CINCINNATI - A woman shot and killed a panhandler who asked her for 25 cents, police say.

“He asked her for a quarter,” Police Chief Tom Streicher said. “That’s apparently all there was to it.”

Donald Francis, who police believe was homeless, stood outside a gas station late Monday asking people for money. Geraldine Beasley had complained about Francis to someone else, and when he approached her she pulled out a gun and shot him, police said.

Francis, 44, died at the scene.

Beasley, 62, was charged with murder and on Wednesday was ordered held in lieu of $500,000 bail, according to court documents. Her attorney, Mass Ionna, told Municipal Court Judge Fanon Rucker that his client has mental issues.

Beasley’s court record dates back 15 years with traffic charges, eviction cases and civil judgments both for and against her. She was fined in 2003 for improperly transporting a loaded gun after officers found one in her van.

Sometimes the humor in a story stands out all by itself...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humor? She killed the guy. Not with jokes. With a gun.
That's not funny.

August 08, 2007 6:30 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

"Her attorney, Mass Ionna, told Municipal Court Judge Fanon Rucker that his client has mental issues."

Really? Mental issues? Who would have guessed?

August 09, 2007 10:01 AM  

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