California STILL...
doesn't have a State budget. This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. I have a solution for this which would ensure we NEVER go without a budget again --
I say we hold one quarter of the Legislators' salary hostage in exchange for the budget. Literally, we do not pay them that money until July 1st, and only if the budget is signed and passed. Start taking a chunk of money directly out of their pockets and I guarantee it will never be an issue again.
Unfortunately, this probably wouldn't matter. Our political system is so screwed up that all we have is uber-rich guys in office, so their paychecks for being a legislator are mere pocket change for them.
What we need is to get rid of the insanity of Prop 13. Allowing the legislature to pass a budget by a majority vote is what will solve the problem. As long as a couple of radicals - on either side - have the power to stop the majority (and sometimes even a clear majority) from getting the work done, then this will be a problem.
even if they care about their salaries (you should also withhold their per diems which they apparently hold dear) legislators are the ones who write and pass the laws so they'd never go for it...even if you employ one of their favorite tactics: give breaks to corporations and cut child and elder care.
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