Saturday, May 06, 2006

So another season comes to an end

for the Sacramento Kings. I can say I am not surprised, but a little bummed nevertheless. I think for a little while there the Kings were in a position to take the series from the Spurs (specifically game 5 after the epic blowout of game 4) but ultimately just didn't have enough to get it done. Now of course we spend the next 5 months playing armchair coach. My sole question is did Coach Adelman ride his core players into the ground and not use his bench enough? I understand the guys who got you there are the ones you ride thru the post season, but an 8-man rotation against a team using 9 or 10 seems to leave you at a disadvantage, fatigue wise.


Blogger ChargeOfQuarters said...

'Told ya....

I as wrong; I said 5 games...

May 06, 2006 7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago, when Sackatomatos hired Adelman, I said to you, "What are the Kings thinking? I watched Rick Adelman stare blankly while his Portland teams underachieved their way through games they could have and/or SHOULD have won. He is a bad coach. He has no clue how to win big games."
Some people just have to ignore warnings and pee on the electric fence for themselves.

May 18, 2006 5:41 PM  

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