Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Insomniac thoughts...

Yes, 2:30am and I am not yet asleep. Fortunately, I don't have a real early pressing deadline tomorrow -- err today.

First -- my beloved Washington Redskins are 0-1. Nice.

I have been hearing about Gene Simmon's Family Jewels on A&E, and finally had the chance to watch an episode... I am hooked! He is a very funny guy, and his un-wife (one of my first crushes, Shannon Tweed) and two kids are all very charismastic and funny as well. What is most obvious about the show is this family obviously loves each other very much and it comes across. My personal opinion? These are people who are interesting and fun to watch and get to know. Check it out if you can.

On a more serious note, some people close to me are having domestic troubles, and it is really unnerving. They have been together for many years, and to think it could just end is really a bummer. I am watching from the sidelines, offering support to both sides when I can, and have the hope that things can be resolved, but I am not sure at this point. Cross your fingers for them, as no one here will win in the long run.

My faithful readers know I personally haven't had the greatest luck in the romance department -- well... ever -- but I have always tried to be the optimist. I have been dating a woman for several months now and she is currently working on her sainthood, having the patience to deal with the quirks of this longtime bachelor. I have always maintained to be a romantic, and on the rare occasions I have had the opportunity in the past I have made every effort to be so. This relationship has been more difficult in that arena on several fronts -- 1) it is long distance (about a 45 minute to an hour drive); 2) we started dating at a time when I had completely committed most of my personal time to either acting or playing drums; 3) and this one is very significant, due to the complete LACK of women in my life, I have become very accustomed to "me time", and it is taking some work to share any of that with another person. Now there is nothing that currently can be done about point one, but I am very aware of points two and three and am working to make some changes. So to my lady Ygraine I say "be patient with me -- I have potential."

Time for me to attempt some sleep. I have recently fallen asleep in this chair in front of the computer twice. Now that doesn't sound that bad - you think I doze for about twenty minutes then drag my butt to my bed. But NO! I have fallen asleep in this chair and slept in an upright position for 5 or more hours -- twice in the last six weeks! My back, legs, and neck really enjoy this.

As I sign off, a reminder to all to get to the theater to see me as part of the cast of Oklahoma at Garbeau's. We opened to great praise from the Sacramento Bee.


Blogger Nevermore said...

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September 12, 2006 9:41 AM  
Blogger Nevermore said...

and p.s.. you really ROCK in oklahoma...it was a delight to watch you.

September 12, 2006 9:44 AM  
Blogger Nevermore said...

..you make it easy to adore you. i only need patience because we live so far away from each other...

September 12, 2006 10:45 AM  
Blogger kenny r said...

See I told you his kids were funny. I haven't watched since the first ep. but would if I knew which channel it's on and when.

You commit to playing drums and acting all the time, so eventually anyone who met you would have to face the music. Everybody want's "me time", it has nothing to do with bachelorhood, and amount of "me" varies from person to person.

September 12, 2006 6:35 PM  

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