Sunday, September 24, 2006

For once...

the idea about a weekend being a "rejuvenating process" for the next work week was applicable to me. Yesterday I actually managed a fair amount of sleep the night before and I just completely relaxed and didn't anything productive. Some might call this "slovenly" behavior, I call it much needed R&R. Had I gotten a massage it would've been spa heaven.

A good friend of the Clark family is very ill, so send out your good thoughts for Will Weitman (my brother-in-law's step-father). Will is one of the good guys, so we need him around for a while longer.

OK, so the Redskins started off 0-2. But they always seem to suck at night games so what else is new? But they better get things turned around soon or I am just gonna have to wait for the NBA to start. It's not that I am a "fair weather" fan... far from it. I will always proudly root for my team, but when they suck, instead of letting myself get all wrapped in the "agony of defeat", I prefer to retreat into the "apathy of the elite". I just start paying attention from the periphery and find other things to do to keep me from yelling and screaming at the TV set because we can't win a frikin' game!!!

Enjoy your Sunday, faithful readers! I know I am going to try.


Blogger Drew said...

Holy double post Batman!

September 25, 2006 7:57 AM  
Blogger ChargeOfQuarters said...

Did you hear about Mack???

September 25, 2006 2:50 PM  

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