Hey Everybody, it's an IT!!!
The first picture of the newest Clark is in, so I have to be the proud Papa and show off!

What the hell are you looking at?
Yeah, the big black area in the middle is the Baby Condo, and It is the white alien hiding behind the rock in the lower right. Kelli's thumb is there as a size reference (not really, it just sounded funny).
7 days until my wedding. Wow. I can't believe my good fortune and luck. To all my faithful readers who sent their congratulations I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am grateful to have you all in my life because you make me better.
Wow...the baby has its daddy's hair and it's mommy's thumb.
Babies are sooooo cute at this age.
Save a wallet-sized for me!
Congratulations, Roger! Now you have to bring over your soon to be wife and your daughter to a game day so we can meet them. :-)
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