Things are changing...
OK, I have to start this entry with an apology to one of my very best friends Jeff. Buddy, I tried to get in touch with you before I posted this but wasn't able to. Sorry.
Now on to the main event. I'm getting married, a fact my faithful readers already knew. But what you don't know is that I am getting married on November 14... of THIS year. Yep, in a little over 2 weeks. I know it seems crazy, but Kelli's never been to Lake Tahoe and we decided it would be neat to go, and get married at the same time.
Oh... and Kelli's going to have a baby.
So as I was saying, Kelli's never been and we found the perfect little...
more about the... oh, ok.
Yes, I am going to be a Daddy for the 2nd time. Sometime around June of next year there will be a little Bam Bam or Bam Bette making the world a better place. This surprise is absolutely incredible, and I have been fairly giddy since I found out.
We are still planning on having our big shindig with all of our friends and family next year, but instead of a wedding it will be an anniversary/re-commitment ceremony. Maybe I will be wearing wear a BabyBjorn.
My daughter Josie is still getting used to the idea, but she's an amazing kid who I'm sure will become a big sister to envy. Major props to Daddy's Little Girl for making me laugh every single morning.
We have some challenges ahead of us, so we would appreciate all your good thoughts.
My family: