Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How long is long enough?

I have "officially" been seeing Kelli now since April 9, approaching two months. But when I talk about my feelings for her, the term "Love" rolls off the tongue, but I haven't expressed as much to my other friends. Why? I am pretty sure I would get the typical "but you just met, how can you possibly be in love" response. But that's not the case at all.

Kelli and I have been talking over the phone and using chat for close to a year, and started to become really close since October. I don't know of any other relationship I have ever had where I can talk to the person for 5 hours at a time without looking for some excuse to hang up.

So it's very simple: she's "the one" for me, and I am going to do my damn level best to make sure this is a lifetime kinda' deal, because I am not planning on letting her go.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Yeah, that's me - the Slacker!

Sorry faithful readers, if indeed there are any of you left, for not being the responsible blogger I should be. I will endeavor to try much harder to keep you updated on what I find blogworthy.

So -- IronMan and Speed Racer. My opinion? HOLY COW!!! Iron Man really is fantastic, and RDJ (as I fondly call him) is great as Tony Stark. This movie has great crossover appeal to everyone - even those not familiar with the comic. Speed Racer on the other hand, though a lot of fun, is really aimed at fanboys and girls - meaning that it pays the highest tribute to the cartoon in its style, editing, and plethora of "Speedisms". John Goodman is great as "Pops" and Charlie... err Jack... err Mathew Fox really does nail down Racer X. To me, it was a supremely better version of what Warren Beatty was trying to do with Dick Tracy.

OK, this having a girlfriend thing is really cool. Everyone should try it sometime.

I just closed back to back shows on Sunday. Damn I need a break! It is going to be very nice having my weekends back for a change.

More to come soon! I am having "inspiration" problems...