Friday, April 27, 2007

OK my intellectual, uber-logical friends...

Watch this (about 10 minutes long) then help me figure out he did the last part:

Only a girl this beautiful...

Can take a self-picture this good with a camera phone while stuck in traffic... Meet Ashley.

Monday, April 23, 2007

I love California in the Spring...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's been a tough week...

Though I am 3000 miles away from Virginia, my thoughts are with those who lost a loved one this week. The idea that someone felt the need to do something like this is a mirror which shows we as a sociaty are not nearly as sophisticated as we yearn to be. We still live in a world of war, violence, and brutality, both foreign and domestic, and fuel thoughts of prejudice and judgment over things we know nothing about. We feel it necessary to squash opinions and ideals which contradict the masses and seek to legislate morality towards tenets which suit the whims of those with enough power to spread their "influence."

Until we truly understand the concept of "all men are created equal" and work towards that end, we will continue to live with the very real threat this could and will happen again.

In other sad news, my brother-in-law's stepfather is gravely ill. Will is the kind of man every one should strive to be. He dotes on his grandkids and always has a friendly smile and handshake when he greets you. His laugh is infectious and his passing will leave a void not easily filled. When my sister got engaged, Will and Shirley developed a great and lasting friendship with my parents and the rest of my family. How often do you find a family whose in-laws seamlessly blend in creating a larger whole?

I leave you with the request to hug those close to you and give a call to those you are unable to touch..

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter is over...

I watched part of The Ten Commandments the other night. Two things struck me as I watched this Oscar winning film:

1. We have come a LONG way in the 40+ years since that movie was made. Sure it looked epic, but the performances were so incredibly stiff! The acting was on the level of what I would do if I were to portray someone badly acting. I hadn't seen the film since I was a kid, so I was watching it with a very different eye.

2. I was watching the scene where Moses was warning the Pharaoh about the last plague - the death of the firstborn of Egypt - when I was struck by the notion that I'm not sure I would worship a God whose sense of justice is to kill children, regardless of who threatened who first. Now before I receive the onslaught of emails and comments deriding me, I am fully aware this is the "Old Testament" God. I was raised in an Christian household and am fully aware of the Doctrine and what it says. I just don't happen to have the same perspective on Christianity and Religion that I had when I was a teenager and before. I will spare you my fully realized perspective for now.

To completely change the subject, enjoy this comic ditty.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

News from the canine world -- April 3

The big guy has persisted on calling me "Pix," so I guess that's my name. Crap.

At least he takes me out for walks 3 times a day - if the boy doesn't learn how to speed up I swear i am going to trip his ass! On a positive note, we are walking farther and farther each day. So we got that going for us...

Gotta' say, I LOVE the park. No one around, just me and him - he takes the leash off and I get to run! Saw two geese the other day, I can't figure out why they flew off just because I ran over to say Hello! Stupid birds.

I like to dig. Digging really is one of the most underrated artforms. There is something - primal - yeah, primal about a freshly dug hole. Not a huge hole, just one big enough to break the big guy's ankle... it hasn't happened yet, but I will keep trying.

He gave me a bone - at least I THINK it was a bone. I haven't figured out how to dig a hole in the house yet, but I am trying. Can someone explain to me why the big guy doesn't want a nice hole in his house? I would think everybody would want one.

The boy's trippin' about his couch. All I did was try to get a quick peek out the window and he yelled at me! It's not my fault the front door was closed! He really needs to get over himself! If I didn't need him (for now) for food I would've pissed on the damn thing!

On Sunday he left me for 126 hours at some place where strangers washed me! What's up with the damn Easter bow on my collar? That damn thing itches!

Today I tried to show him who's boss! Can you believe he wanted me to sit and STAY? Well, I gotta say... yeah, you're right - I sat and I stayed. BUT I WASN'T HAPPY ABOUT IT!

I found this video of one of my cousins. Wheeeee!

More to come...