It's a truly sad time to be a Californian
I now live in a state where bigotry is constitutional. No matter how you look at it, the passage of Proposition 8 is discrimination. Period. For those of you who don't know, the Proposition will add the following verbage to the California State Constitution: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
If you voted for this on religious grounds, you are incredibly naive. Your position is that homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, according to that logic, homosexuality is a choice, because the very definition of sin is "any act regarded as such a transgression, esp. a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle." OK, here's a question for you: Did you choose to be straight? Did you wake up one morning and make a conscious choice to be attracted to Alice over Ted?
The idea that the legality of a marriage between same sex couples mars the sanctity of marriage is an incredible load of vomitous bile. As a country we have a 50% divorce rate. Do I have to point out that that's half? Half of "straight" marriages end in a divorce. Oh wait, does that mean that when my neighbors Sue and Tom get a divorce that MY marriage is now in jeopardy? If Tom has an affair with our other neighbor June, does THAT put MY marriage in jeopardy? Of course not. But according to you narrow minded zealots, if Tom were to spend 35 years in a loving and faithful marriage to Pete then apparently THAT would utterly ruin MY marriage.
And, by the way, if you don't know my sexual orientation (you non-faithful readers), would that change the validity of my statements?
OK, I could rant on this for the next 60 pages, but I won't. I want you to see what Keith Oberlmann has to say:
Shame on Californians for allowing this atrocity to happen.