I must have "sucker" stamped on my profile...
So, being single I have been known to setup profiles on a couple of Internet Dating Services over the years. Recently I joined via a 10-day trial of one I hadn't been on before. Of course I get hits on my profile just as the trial is about to expire, but one lady actually gave me a "real" email address and wanted me to contact her. I replied to the email in a very cordial manner and she responded wanting to know a little about me, and hinting that her and I might be made for each other, and that I "have no idea what kind of pain she is in". I gave her some VERY GENERAL information and asked her what was wrong (my Spidey sense tingling like crazy). Here's her response (unedited for your enjoyment) -
Hello thanks for contacting with me and showing some
in me.when i
went through ur profile i really liked it and found
both of us %99
compatible,the only %1 missing is that right now am
home,am stucked up in
africa and i need help to get back home.if you can
us a try and
help me back home am sure we can make something work
outa this.
After the death of my parent i met a guy called Segun
in florida though
he's from nigeria in africa, he came for a degree in
the state when.i
fell inlove with him and latter when he returned to
country he
invited me over to come and meet his family so i
gathered some money and
got myself a round trip ticket,when i got down here he
turned out to be a
robber he stole my money and jewelries now the hotel
staying siezed
my return ticket and passport cuz i cant afford to pay
the bills am
owing the hotel and i have no one to help me out, of
this mess i got
myself into want u to plz help me get back home.reply
back asap and let
me know what you really have to say

Her Pic (as posted on the site)
I am tempted to try to setup a "sting", but I have to make myself stop laughing first. Don't worry, were I to go forward with a sting, I would contact law enforcement.
So what do you think - should I send her a cashier's check?